A Baby Boomer customer experience!!!

Author: Colin Shaw

I’m a baby boomer and don’t forget me.

I’ve just dug out this post from Nielsen regarding the importance of the so-called ‘Baby Boomers’ and how they are breaking their traditional consumer conventions. This audience may not have the marketing sexiness of the 18-35 year olds, but they are most likely to still be a key part of your customer experience demographic. They are now also more likely to be up to speed digitally than previously thought, happily spending time on the internet, with 8 of the top 10 sites visited by baby boomers matching those visited by 18-35s (Nielsen).

Nielsen reports some killer stats about the baby boomer generation:

  • Dominate 1,023 out of 1,083 consumer packaged goods categories
  • Watch the most video: 9:34 hours per day
  • Comprise 1/3 of all TV viewers, online users, social media users and Twitter users
  • Time shift TV more than 18-24s (2:32 vs. 1:32)
  • Are significantly more likely to own a DVD player
  • More likely to have broadband Internet access at home

Do you design your customer experience for different customer segmentations or demographics? We’d love to hear your experiences and opinion in the comments.

Read the original post by Nielsen

By COLIN SHAW | Published: SEPTEMBER 13, 2010