Unfiltered in real time, how do you react?

Social media is becoming critical in building a great Customer experience and generating Customer loyalty.

Who owns social media in your company? Who has the ability to own it? David Armano Logic and Emotion one of my favorite bloggers gives his view in an HBR articles, ‘Do you live social’. He talks about what is need to look at social media in a different way.

David says:
Do you live social? Many organizations simply skip this question because they assume that they themselves don’t have to be social (open and collaborative) to reap the rewards (cost savings, marketing ROI, effective reputation management, and search engine juice) they think they might get from social media.

But social media’s not a product you foist on others, or some rigid business process that, if implemented, yields results. You shouldn’t treat social media like a temporary advertising campaign. Social media is more organic than that. It’s a way of thinking and approaching business that requires passion and commitment and, above all, willingness to participate in social spaces honestly and freely and by the rules of the social network itself. When someone ridicules your organization in the social space,

Unfiltered in real time, how do you react?

Very importantly please note I have mentioned Customer Experience and Customer Loyalty in the first sentence. This is very important from an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) perspective.

I am not doing anything wrong in this. Here is one of the top Social media experts doing the same.

Leadership Checklist: 10 things to do right now

By Colin Shaw | Published: January 5, 2010